Habit Change & Mindset Coaching

For anyone looking to level up in health, sport, performance, or business.

Be your greatest with Be Your GOAT

What is Habit Change and Mindset Coaching?

Reach out today for a no-commitment, hassle-free consultation.

WHAT IS Habit change and mindset coaching?

Habit change and mindset coaching is designed to help you identify how to get from where you are to where you want to be.  First, we look at your values and goals. Then we look at your habits and decide which ones are serving you and those that are not. Together we come up with a game plan to change those habits that need adjusted. We leverage your strengths and make small changes that add up to big results so that you are able to achieve your greatest potential. Finally, we look at additional mindset strategies that have been proven to increase performance including breathing, meditation, visualization, and maintaining a positive attitude and self-talk. 

Sessions are done via video chat. Wherever you a located, I can help you reach your goals.

Are you ready to become Your Greatest Of All Time? The time is now!

I have worked with Amber for about 9 months. During that time I have lost 30 pounds and gained confidence and strength. Meeting regularly with a health coach has taught me many things about how to restructure my relationship with food. During our meetings, she has assisted me in setting goals, held me accountable to those goals and offered encouragement without judgement when I have struggled meeting those goals. She often has suggestions about another way of looking at a problem or offers an idea for an alternative way of dealing with struggles. 

I have continued to work with Amber even after reaching my original goal. I have found that the continued meetings and accountability are helping me toward making the changes permanent!” — TT

Reach out today to see if Habit Change and Mindset Coaching are right for you!

Just fill out our Contact Form and we’ll get back to you quickly.

You’re one step closer to being you greatest of all time!